64576 Last modification date of record 64577 User who made last modification of record 64578 Expiration date of record 64592 User '%s' is disabled. 64593 Invalid field value. 64594 Items inserted: %d \nItems updated: %d \nItems deleted: %d \nAccess denied: %d \n 64595 Modificirano 64596 Datum kreiranja 64597 Datum isteka 64598 Naslov 64599 Korisni ko ime 64600 Korisni ki ra un 64601 Lozinka 64602 URL 64603 Opis 64604 Modificirao 64605 General 64606 Advanced 64607 Creation date of record 64608 Add... 64609 Copy from > 64610 Delete 64611 OK 64612 Cancel 64613 No open databases with custom images 64614 Customize... 64615 Format baze je neispravan. \n%s 64616 Verzija baze nije podr~ana: %d.%d 64617 Lozinka je neispravna. 64618 Standardni korisnik 64619 Standardna korisni ka prava 64620 Pristup zabranjen 64621 Folder '%s' ve postoji. 64622 Can not lock database '%s' for exclusive access. 64623 Saving %s... 64624 Attach... 64625 Attach file 64626 Extract... 64627 Extract file 64628 Remove 64629 Remove file 64630 Properties... 64631 File properties 64632 Select all 64633 Editiraj opis 64634 OK 64635 Odustani 64636 Can not load image '%s'. 64637 Custom images 64638 Open image 64639 Icons (*.ico)|*.ico|Bitmaps (*.bmp)|*.bmp 64640 Postavke lozinke 64641 Files 64642 Name 64643 Size 64644 Description 64645 File '%s' already exists. Overwrite it? 64646 File '%s' is too big. 64647 Adding files 64648 Extracting files 64649 Yes to all 64650 Select folder to save files: 64651 Nova lozinka 64652 Attach files 64653 All files (*.*)|*.* 64654 OK 64655 Odustani 64656 Auto backup folder: 64657 Number of backup copies: 64658 Use global backup settings 64659 Specify individual backup settings 64660 Make backup copies before saving 64661 Browse... 64662 OK 64663 Odustani 64664 File properties 64665 Created: 64666 Modified: 64667 Size: 64668 Description: 64669 Size in database: 64670 OK 64671 Cancel 64672 Korisnici baze: 64673 Dodaj... 64674 Add group... 64675 Editiraj... 64676 Izbriai 64677 Zahtijevaj logiranje korisnika nakon otvaranja baze 64678 Automatski logiraj trenutnog Windows korisnika 64679 Pri zaatiti baze biti e koriateni slijedei enkripcijski algoritmi: 64680 seconds 64681 Log server: 64682 Istovremeni viaestruki pristup bazi 64683 Remember data sort order 64684 Vodi statistiku promjene podataka u bazi 64685 Log user actions 64686 Override global auto closure timeout 64687 Close when inactive: 64688 64689 Load CA certificate 64690 Certificate files (*.cer; *.pem)|*.cer;*.pem|All files (*.*)|*.* 64691 Choose folder where backup files will be stored: 64692 Openite postavke 64693 Korisnici 64694 Enkripcija 64695 Parametri 64696 Backup 64697 Opis: 64698 Lokacija baze: 64699 Lozinka: 64700 Naziv datoteke sa bazom: 64701 Naziv baze: 64702 Ponovi lozinku: 64703 Administriraj lokacije... 64704 Please enter group name. 64705 Novi korisnik 64706 Odustani 64707 OK 64708 General 64709 Ponovi lozinku: 64710 Opis: 64711 Korisni ko ime: 64712 Lozinka: 64713 Pregledaj... 64714 Koristi NT autentifikaciju 64715 User is disabled 64716 Korisni ka prava 64717 Add... 64718 Remove 64719 Please enter log server name or IP address. 64720 Columns list: 64721 Up 64722 Down 64723 Properties... 64724 OK 64725 Cancel 64726 Postavke foldera 64727 Ime: 64728 OK 64729 Odustani 64730 Izaberi korisnike 64731 Members 64732 Member of 64733 Group name: 64734 New group 64735 Edit group 64736 Ispis 64737 Ispis 64738 Pregled ispisa 64739 Pregled ispisa 64740 Filtriraj... 64741 Filter 64742 Lociraj unos 64743 Setup columns... 64744 64745 Cancel 64746 Postavke stupca 64747 `irina: 64748 Naziv: 64749 znakovi 64750 OK 64751 Odustani 64752 Copy 64753 Cut 64754 Paste 64755 Filter 64756 Computer: 64757 Akcija: 64758 do: 64759 Datum od: 64760 Korisnik: 64761 OK 64762 Izbriai 64763 Odustani 64764 Hide passwords 64765 64766 Izbriai promjene... 64767 Izbriai promjene 64768 Statistika promjena... 64769 Detaljna statistika promjena... 64770 Male ikone 64771 Velike ikone 64772 Opis 64773 Tra~i... 64774 Tra~i 64775 Tra~i ponovo 64776 Lociraj unos 64777 Opcije... 64778 Postavke stupaca... 64779 Automatska instalacija na vanjski ureaj... 64780 Quick install to removable device... 64781 Generator lozinki... 64782 Promijeni korisni ku lozinku... 64783 Customize fields... 64784 Pregled ispisa 64785 Logiraj se kao... 64786 Novi &folder 64787 Novi folder lozinki 64788 Nova lozinka 64789 Novi unos 64790 Preimenuj 64791 Dupliciraj unos... 64792 Editiraj lozinku 64793 Editiraj izabrani unos 64794 Izbriai 64795 Izbriai izabrani podatak 64796 Isprazni clipboard 64797 Isprazni clipboard 64798 Dozvole... 64799 Poniati 64800 Extract file 64801 &Otvori 64802 &Zatvori 64803 &Snimi 64804 Snimi aktivnu bazu lozinki 64805 S&nimi sve 64806 Postavke... 64807 Sigurnosna kopija... 64808 Povrat... 64809 Osvje~i listu 64810 Eksport u datoteku... 64811 Import iz datoteke... 64812 Ispis... 64813 Print 64814 Ispis 64815 Pregled ispisa 64816 Otvori folder sa bazom 64817 &Pomo 64818 &Upute 64819 Web &stranica 64820 &Naru i program 64821 Registriraj... 64822 &O programu... 64823 Sigurnosna kopija datoteke (*.pmb)|*.pmb|Sve datoteke (*.*)|*.* 64824 pmb 64825 &Otvori 64826 I&zlaz 64827 Baze i folderi: 64828 Opis: 64829 &Nova... 64830 Synchronize... 64831 Extract all files 64832 Create new record 64833 Update existing record 64834 Save field bindings 64835 Back 64836 Cancel 64837 Server reply timeout (%d seconds). 64838 Connection was closed by remote peer. 64839 Can not load OpenSSL library files. 64840 %s does not support 64-bit applications. 64841 64842 &Baza 64843 I&zlaz 64844 &Editiraj 64845 &Pregled 64846 Traka s alatima 64847 &Alati 64848 Choose other record 64849 Saving form data to %s 64850 Filling form data using %s 64851 Form does not contain input fields. 64852 You do not have permission to save data into folder '%s'. 64853 You do not have permission to update selected record. 64854 You do not have permission to fill forms using selected record. 64855 Do you want to fill out form data using %s? 64856 Do you want to save form data to %s database? 64857 Do you want to update form data in %s database? 64858 Field bindings are missing for this record. 64859 64860 Update matched record: 64861 Folder 64862 Review field bindings 64863 Update other existing record 64864 Add... 64865 Edit... 64866 Delete 64867 Up 64868 Down 64869 Current form data will be stored in %s database. \n \nPlease choose database fields to hold form values. 64870 Please choose database fields to fill form. 64871 Please choose %s database to store current form data. 64872 Please choose %s database to fill current form. 64873 Please choose a folder to store current form data. 64874 Please choose a record to fill current form. 64875 The following records, which match the current form, are found in database '%s'. \nWhat action should be performed? 64876 Please select the record. 64877 < Ignore field > 64878 < Do not fill > 64879 Fill form using the following record: 64880 Section name: 64881 OK 64882 Cancel 64883 Customize fields 64884 OK 64885 Cancel 64886 Fields 64887 Sections 64888 Field name 64889 Type 64890 Section 64891 Add... 64892 Edit... 64893 Delete 64894 Up 64895 Down 64896 OK 64897 Cancel 64898 Field properties 64899 Edit values 64900 New field 64901 Section: 64902 Field type: 64903 Default value: 64904 Description: 64905 Field option: 64906 Field name: 64907 OK 64908 Cancel 64909 Section properties 64910 Please enter section name. 64911 New section 64912 Select groups 64913 Izaberi korisnike 64914 OK 64915 Odustani 64916 %s dozvole 64917 Dopusti 64918 Korisnici: 64919 Onemogui 64920 Dozvole: 64921 Dodaj... 64922 Izbriai 64923 Dozvole se naslijeuju sa viae hijerarhije 64924 Resetiraj dozvole ni~e hijerarhije 64925 OK 64926 Odustani 64927 %s values 64928 Ispiai jedan unos po stranici 64929 Ispiai samo aktivni folder 64930 Setup... 64931 Ispis 64932 Pregled 64933 Postavke izvjeaa... 64934 Odustani 64935 Opcije importa 64936 Import iz datoteke 64937 CSV datoteke (*.csv)|*.csv|Tekstualne datoteke (*.txt)|*.txt|Sve datoteke (*.*)|*.* 64938 .csv 64939 Namjena stupaca: 64940 Grani nik stupaca: 64941 Import po evai od linije: 64942 OK 64943 Odustani 64944 Portretni 64945 Pejza~ni 64946 Alternate colors of rows 64947 Pregled 64948 OK 64949 Odustani 64950 Predloaci izvjeaa 64951 Nova... 64952 Editiraj... 64953 Izbriai 64954 Zatvori 64955 Ispis 64956 Izvjeae: 64957 Printer: 64958 Setup... 64959 Ispiai samo odabrane unose 64960 Unesi korisni ko ime i lozinku 64961 Lozinka: 64962 Korisni ko ime: 64963 OK 64964 Odustani 64965 64966 Openite postavke 64967 Raspored 64968 Ime predloaka izvjeaa: 64969 Naslov izvjeaa: 64970 Stupci za ispis: 64971 Folder: 64972 Vrsta izvjeaa: 64973 Lista unosa 64974 Kartica (forma) 64975 Orjentacija papira 64976 Znakovi koji e se koristiti 64977 Posebni znakovi: 64978 Isklju i znakove: 64979 Predlo~ak lozinke: 64980 Mala slova (a-z) 64981 VELIKA SLOVA (A-Z) 64982 Brojevi (0-9) 64983 Simboli ($,%,!,@, ...) 64984 Lozinka 64985 Lozinka: 64986 Du~ina: 64987 Generiraj 64988 OK 64989 Odustani 64990 Logiranje korisnika 64991 Lozinka uzima u obzir mala i VELIKA slova. Provjeri Caps Lock status. 64992 Grani nik stupaca: 64993 Pregledaj... 64994 Eksport izabranih unosa 64995 Eksport imena foldera 64996 Child folders with the same structure only 64997 Eksport naziva stupaca 64998 Entire database 64999 Current folder only 65000 Current folder and all child folders 65001 Export all columns 65002 Export choosen columns: 65003 OK 65004 Odustani 65005 Neispravan predlo~ak lozinke: %s 65006 Ne mogu generirati lozinku koristei zadane postavke. 65007 Generator lozinki 65008 Naprijed > 65009 < Nazad 65010 Odustani 65011 Tra~i 65012 Tekst: 65013 VELIKA/mala slova 65014 Tra~i u svim otvorenim bazama 65015 OK 65016 Odustani 65017 Eksport unosa u datoteku 65018 Eksport u datoteku 65019 CSV datoteke (*.csv)|*.csv|Tekstualne datoteke (*.txt)|*.txt|Sve datoteke (*.*)|*.* 65020 .csv 65021 Scope: 65022 Folder: 65023 Eksport u datoteku: 65024 Synchronize local changes to remote database 65025 OK 65026 Cancel 65027 Database '%s' will be synchronized with database stored on removable device. 65028 Synchronization canceled. 65029 Automatska instalacija na vanjski ureaj 65030 Klikni 'Naprijed' za nastavak 65031 Izaberi ureaj na kojem e biti instaliran %s: 65032 Poka~i sve ureaje 65033 Instaliraj u slijedei folder:: 65034 Instaliraj predloake ispisa 65035 Install support for browsers integration 65036 Klikni 'Naprijed' za po etak instalacije 65037 Synchronize database before overwriting 65038 Namjesti 'read only' (samo za itanje) atribut za baze na vanjskim medijima 65039 Allow offline access for current user 65040 Promijeni korisni ku lozinku 65041 Nova lozinka: 65042 Ponovi novu lozinku: 65043 Korisni ko ime: 65044 Trenutna lozinka: 65045 OK 65046 Odustani 65047 There are no databases in selected folder. 65048 has been synchronized. 65049 Local database '%s' 65050 Remote database '%s' 65051 Synchronize %s 65052 Select remote database folder: 65053 Remote database folder: 65054 Select remote database for synchronization: 65055 Browse... 65056 O programu 65057 Verzija %d.%d (Build %d) 65058 %d dana do kraja probnog perioda 65059 Dozvole: 65060 Korisnik: 65061 Kompanija: 65062 OK 65063 Registriraj... 65064 Povrat baze 65065 Na in povrata? 65066 Sigurnosna kopija je modificirana: 65067 Postojea baza je modificirana: 65068 Povrat sigurnosne kopije preko postojee baze 65069 Povrat sigurnosne kopije u novu bazu 65070 OK 65071 Odustani 65072 OK 65073 Odustani 65074 Registracija 65075 Otvori %s registracijsku datoteku 65076 Registracijske datoteke|*.key 65077 Informacije o registraciji %s mo~ea pronai na: 65078 Upiai %s registracijske podatke. Mo~ea ih kopirati sa clipboarda ili importirati iz registracijske datoteke. 65079 Sa clipboarda 65080 Iz datoteke... 65081 OK 65082 Odustani 65083 %s registracija 65084 Unesi serijski broj sa instalacijskog CDa: 65085 OK 65086 Odustani 65087 Registrirana verzija 65088 Tra~i baze u ovim folderima: 65089 Dodaj... 65090 Editiraj... 65091 Izbriai 65092 Standardne postavke... 65093 Folder za automatsku pohranu sigurnosnih kopija: 65094 Broj sigurnosnih kopija: 65095 Napravi sigurnosnu kopiju baze prije snimanja 65096 Pregledaj... 65097 * Specificiraj zarezom odijeljenu listu ra unala. Ako ova lista bude prazna, restrikcije ne vrijede. 65098 Ra unala bez restrikcija: 65099 Restrikcije za druga ra unala 65100 Onemogui 'Lokacije' i 'Sigurnosna kopija' opcije 65101 Onemogui povrat baze iz sigurnosne kopije 65102 Onemogui automatsku instalaciju na vanjski ureaj 65103 Integration is not available because PMHook.dll library is missing. 65104 dana 65105 Upozori ako je detektiran clipboard monitor 65106 Lozinka je vidljiva u edit prozoru 65107 Close databases when application is minimized 65108 Zatvori bazu kada nije aktivna 65109 Standardni rok trajanja lozinke: 65110 Hot key 65111 Action 65112 Enable hot keys when %s is not running 65113 %s menu items will be added to popup menu of selected browsers: 65114 Automatically update forms data in database: 65115 Automatically save new forms data: 65116 Automatically fill out forms: 65117 Autofill works when %s is not running 65118 Keep the program running after first use 65119 Predlo~ak imena datoteke s bazom: 65120 Dimenzije su elja: 65121 Jezik su elja: 65122 Action on double click: 65123 Font su elja: 65124 Obavijesti o isteku lozinke pri startanju Windowsa 65125 Pokreni aplikaciju u minimaliziranom obliku 65126 Razgranaj stablo direktorija nakon otvaranja baze 65127 Enable drag'n'drop for objects moving and copying 65128 Tray icon always visible 65129 Minimaliziraj aplikaciju u System Tray 65130 Zatvori aplikaciju u System Tray 65131 Startup screen graphics 65132 Alternate colors of rows 65133 Remember last database user name 65134 Minimalna du~ina lozinke: 65135 sekundi 65136 Sigurnosne kopije 65137 Restrikcije 65138 Hot keys 65139 Browsers 65140 Security 65141 Form filling 65142 Not available 65143 No supported browsers were found at this computer. 65144 All database files will be renamed using new database file name template '%s'. Do you want to change database file name template? 65145 Edit record 65146 Copy password to clipboard 65147 Left click 65148 Right click 65149 Middle click 65150 Opcije 65151 Folder za sigurnosne kopije: 65152 OK 65153 Odustani 65154 Potvrda promjene fonta 65155 Ne 65156 Da 65157 Uzorak teksta 65158 Ako me mo~ea pro itati, onda je sve u redu. 65159 Set a hot key 65160 Press a keys sequence to be used for %s action: 65161 OK 65162 Cancel 65163 Hot key %s is assigned for more then one action. 65164 Openite postavke 65165 Izgled 65166 Integracija 65167 Lokacije 65168 Abort 65169 Retry 65170 Ignore 65171 Yes 65172 No 65173 Help 65174 Details > 65175 Error 65176 Confirmation 65177 Warning 65178 Information 65179 Dodaj folder 65180 Odaberi folder: 65181 NAPOMENA: Mre~na putanja mo~e biti specificirana koristei UNC path (\\Server\Share). 65182 Putanja do foldera: 65183 Pregledaj... 65184 Lozinka uzima u obzir mala i VELIKA slova. Provjeri Caps Lock status. 65185 Unesi lozinku za otvaranje baze: '%s' 65186 Lozinka: 65187 OK 65188 Odustani 65189 Preview 65190 Ispis 65191 Setup 65192 Pregled 65193 Zatvori 65194 Namjesti po &Visini 65195 Namjesti po &`irini 65196 Stranica 65197 od 65198 OK 65199 Cancel 65200 Clickable URL 65201 Predefined values 65202 Action logging turned ON 65203 Action logging turned OFF 65204 Open DB 65205 Logon 65206 View password 65207 Print 65208 Export 65209 Fill form 65210 Folder name 65211 Category image 65212 File attachment 65213 Data field 65214 Section 65215 Unesi lozinku 65216 Editiranje podataka 65217 Brisanje podataka 65218 Ispis i eksport 65219 Pregled lozinki 65220 View passwords in lists 65221 Modify files 65222 Extract files 65223 Form filling 65224 String 65225 Date 65226 Integer 65227 Float 65228 Checkbox 65229 Regular string 65230 Password field 65231 Multiline text 65232 You must be logged on as administrator to access this database. 65233 Group membership checking will be disabled. 65234 %s is registered already. \nDo you want to enter new registration data? 65235 Save form data 65236 Fill form 65237 Generate password 65238 Open %s 65239 Show %s 65240 Edit... 65241 in: 65242 days 65243 List of records 65244 My private data 65245 Cards 65246 Administrator 65247 Unos podataka 65248 Name 65249 Description 65250 Can not connect to log server. 65251 Can not log user action. 65252 Setup... 65253 Enter password to access log server. 65254 Database is not registered or its registration is invalid. 65255 Can not fill form. Target window is not responding. 65256 The password is incorrect. 65257 Can not paste parent folder into the child folder. 65258 Unable to install system hook. 65259 Never ask me again 65260 Ask 65261 Professional edition only 65262 This feature is available in Professional edition only. 65263 User groups are defined in this database. 65264 Copy %s to clipboard 65265 Next 65266 Please select the database. 65267 Database is not specified. 65268 Database '%s' is not found. 65269 Logoff %s... 65270 No focused element. 65271 To perform quick install you need to run Install to removable device Wizard first and configure needed options. 65272 Can not restore database. No valid locations are found. 65273 There is no NT authenticated user logged on for database '%s'. Offline access for this database will not be available. 65274 offline 65275 Set password for offline user 65276 bytes 65277 KB 65278 MB 65279 User canceled. 65280 Statistika promjena 65281 Datum promjene: %s 65282 Ne mogu verificirati korisnika ili grupu: %s 65283 Neispravan korisnik ili grupa: %s 65284 Neke aplikacije prate clipboard, ato mo~e biti potencijalni rizik za tajnost lozinki. 65285 Font su elja je promijenjen. Provjeri uzorak teksta. \n \nMo~ea li ga pro itati? 65286 Unos je izbrisan od drugog korisnika. 65287 Folder je izbrisan od strane drugog korisnika. 65288 Item was deleted by other user. 65289 Korisni ki ra un je izbrisan od drugog korisnika. 65290 Lozinka je promijenjena. 65291 This folder inherits fields structure from its parent (%s). Do you wish to create independent fields structure for this folder and all its children? Press Yes to create independent fields structure for this folder and all its children. Press No to edit parent folder structure. 65292 Predefined field: 65293 All data stored in field '%s' will be lost. Are you sure to delete the field? 65294 Changing of field data type can lead to data loss. Are you sure to change field data type? 65295 Setup columns 65296 Novo izvjeae 65297 piksela 65298 Strana %d 65299 Povjerljivo. 65300 Ispis: %s 65301 Clipboard je prazan. 65302 Nije pronaen printer. 65303 Nema predlo~aka izvjeaa. 65304 Expired records 65305 Izbriai trenutno izabrane promjene? 65306 < Presko i stupac > 65307 Data was successfully saved into database '%s'. 65308 Trenutno ra unalo nije specificirano u listi. \nPristup izborniku sa restrikcijama nee biti mogu. \n \nNastavi? 65309 Program treba restartirati da bi promjene postale vidljive. 65310 %d bit klju  65311 Editiraj korisnika 65312 Izaberi ciljni ureaj. 65313 Baza '%s' ve postoji u folderu '%s'. \n \nPresnimi postojeu bazu? 65314 Tekst '%s' nije pronaen. 65315 Unesi ime datoteke. 65316 Unesi ime korisnika. 65317 Odlogiraj se? 65318 Baza '%s' je trenutno otvorena od strane drugog korisnika. \nZapisivanje u bazu je onemogueno. 65319 Nije definiran korisnik sa administratorskim pravima. 65320 There is no built-in database user with Administrator privilege. If domain will be unavailable you will loose full access to the database. It is strongly recommended to create built-in database user with Administrator privilege. Continue? 65321 Ne postoji dozvola za snimanje podataka u bazu '%s'. 65322 65323 Count: %d 65324 %s - postavke 65325 Unesi ime predloaka izvjeaa. 65326 Naziv predloaka izvjeaa ne mo~e sadr~avati slijedee znakove: \n %s 65327 Predlo~ak sa imenom '%s' ve postoji. \nIzaberi drugo ime. 65328 Izbriai folder '%s' sa liste? 65329 Najmanje jedan folder mora biti specificiran. 65330 Neispravan predlo~ak imena baze. 65331 %s - [Read only - Samo za itanje] 65332 Greaka tijekom snimanja sigurnosne kopije. \n%s 65333 Bazu '%s' trenutno koristi drugi korisnik, \nte je ozna ena sa 'Read only' (Samo za itanje). \n \nTrenutno nije mogue snimiti lozinku u ovu bazu. 65334 Trenutna dozvola ne dopuata pokretanje viae od %d %s od %s u domeni ili grupi. \n \n%s je pokrenut na slijedeem ra unalu: \n%s 65335 kopiraj 65336 kopija 65337 Najmanje jedan stupac mora biti vidljiv. 65338 Ime foldera ne mo~e biti prazno. 65339 Reset lokacije baza na standardne postavke? 65340 Mijenjate lokaciju baze lozinki '%s'. \n \nBaza e biti preba ena sa stare na novu lokaciju. \n \nStaro ime datoteke: %s \nNovo ime datoteke: %s \n \nPromijeni lokaciju ove baze? 65341 Ne mogu napraviti folder: %s \n%s 65342 Ne mogu kopirati datoteku '%s' u folder '%s' 65343 Can not delete '%s' 65344 Zahvaljujemo na kupnji %s. 65345 U itaj registracijske podatke iz datoteke 65346 Kopiraj registracijeske podatke sa clipboarda 65347 Please enter value for %s. 65348 Unesi ime baze. 65349 Otvorene baze: %d 65350 UPOZORENJE: Lozinke sa manje od 8 znakova ne garantiraju dobru zaatitu! 65351 Preporu ena minimalna du~ina lozinke je 8 znakova. 65352 Izaberi lokaciju za sigurnosnu kopiju %s 65353 Baza '%s' je uspjeano pohranjena kao %s 65354 Izbor datoteke za povrat podataka 65355 Baza '%s' ve postoji. 65356 %s je uspjeano u itana iz sigurnosne kopije. 65357 Editiraj folder 65358 Unesi putanju. 65359 Specificirani folder nije pronaen. \n \nNastavi? 65360 Neregistrirana probna verzija 65361 Neregistrirana verzija 65362 Potpuno funkcionalna probna verzija 65363 Registracijski podaci: 65364 Izvrana datoteka je oateena. 65365 Probni period je istekao 65366 Odustani 65367 U probnom periodu je dozvoljeno kreiranje najviae dvije baze. 65368 U probnom periodu je dozvoljeno kreiranje najviae %d unosa po bazi. 65369 Idi na %s 65370 Generate %s 65371 Edit %s in separate window 65372 Lozinka mora imati najmanje %d znakova 65373 Registracijska datoteka %s je neispravna. 65374 Neispravni registracijski podaci 65375 Serijski broj nije valjan. \nProvjerite unos. 65376 Novi folder 65377 Izbriai folder '%s'? 65378 Folder '%s' nije prazan! \n \nIzbriai ovaj folder, zajedno sa njegovim sadr~ajem? 65379 Baza '%s' je modificirana. \n \nSnimi promjene? 65380 Izbriai bazu '%s'? 65381 Do you REALLY want to DELETE the database '%s' ? 65382 Izbriai %s? 65383 %d records 65384 Do you want to remove %s ? 65385 %d files 65386 Lozinka mora biti upisana. 65387 Lozinka se ne podudara. Pokuaaj ponovo. 65388 The following databases contain expired records: 65389 %s (expired records: %d) 65390 Records selected: %d 65391 Records count: %d 65392 Stara vrijednost 65393 Nova vrijednost 65394 Unos 65395 A~uriraj 65396 Izbriai 65397 Automatska instalacija na vanjski ureaj 65398 Automatski postupak e instalirati %s i odabrane baze na vanjski ureaj poput USB flash medija. \n \n%s, zajedno sa pripadajuom bazom, mo~e biti pokrenut direktno sa ureaja. \n \nUreaj se mo~e priklju iti na bilo koje ra unalo i lozinke se mogu odmah koristiti. 65399 Izaberi ureaj. 65400 Izaberi bazu. 65401 Baza mo~e biti instalirana na ureaj. \nIzaberi bazu: 65402 Instalacija u tijeku... 65403 Instalacija u tijeku... 65404 Instalacija je zavraena. 65405 %s je uspjeano instaliran na ureaj %s 65406 Gotovo 65407 Moje lozinke 65408 Failed to set data for '%s' 65409 Failed to get data for '%s' 65410 List does not allow duplicates ($0%x) 65411 Otvori bazu 65412 Sigurnosna kopija baze 65413 Nova baza 65414 Povrat baze iz sigurnosne kopije 65415 Generate password using %s 65416 Fill form using %s 65417 Save form data to %s 65418 Datum 65419 Akcija 65420 Korisnik 65421 Computer 65422 IP address 65423 Polje 65424 Resource %s not found 65425 List index out of bounds (%d) 65426 List capacity out of bounds (%d) 65427 List count out of bounds (%d) 65428 Operation not allowed on sorted string list 65429 String list does not allow duplicates 65430 A component named %s already exists 65431 ''%s'' is not a valid component name 65432 Invalid property value 65433 Invalid property path 65434 Property does not exist 65435 Property is read-only 65436 Error reading %s%s%s: %s 65437 Unable to write to %s 65438 Invalid data type for '%s' 65439 Failed to create key %s 65440 Sat 65441 Sunday 65442 Monday 65443 Tuesday 65444 Wednesday 65445 Thursday 65446 Friday 65447 Saturday 65448 Cannot assign a %s to a %s 65449 Cannot create file %s 65450 Cannot open file %s 65451 Stream read error 65452 Stream write error 65453 Out of memory while expanding memory stream 65454 Can't write to a read-only resource stream 65455 Class %s not found 65456 March 65457 April 65458 May 65459 June 65460 July 65461 August 65462 September 65463 October 65464 November 65465 December 65466 Sun 65467 Mon 65468 Tue 65469 Wed 65470 Thu 65471 Fri 65472 Win32 Error. Code: %d.\n%s 65473 A Win32 API function failed 65474 Jan 65475 Feb 65476 Mar 65477 Apr 65478 May 65479 Jun 65480 Jul 65481 Aug 65482 Sep 65483 Oct 65484 Nov 65485 Dec 65486 January 65487 February 65488 No argument for format '%s' 65489 Invalid variant type conversion 65490 Invalid variant operation 65491 Variant method calls not supported 65492 Read 65493 Write 65494 Error creating variant array 65495 Variant is not an array 65496 Variant array index out of bounds 65497 External exception %x 65498 Assertion failed 65499 Interface not supported 65500 Exception in safecall method 65501 %s (%s, line %d) 65502 Abstract Error 65503 Access violation at address %p in module '%s'. %s of address %p 65504 Division by zero 65505 Range check error 65506 Integer overflow 65507 Invalid floating point operation 65508 Floating point division by zero 65509 Floating point overflow 65510 Floating point underflow 65511 Invalid pointer operation 65512 Invalid class typecast 65513 Access violation at address %p. %s of address %p 65514 Stack overflow 65515 Control-C hit 65516 Privileged instruction 65517 Exception %s in module %s at %p.\n%s%s 65518 Application Error 65519 Format '%s' invalid or incompatible with argument 65520 '%s' is not a valid integer value 65521 '%s' is not a valid floating point value 65522 '%s' is not a valid date 65523 '%s' is not a valid time 65524 '%s' is not a valid date and time 65525 Invalid argument to time encode 65526 Invalid argument to date encode 65527 Out of memory 65528 I/O error %d 65529 File not found 65530 Invalid filename 65531 Too many open files 65532 File access denied 65533 Read beyond end of file 65534 Disk full 65535 Invalid numeric input